Primary Care Specialist

CPI Physicians

At CPI Physicians in Albany, New York, the primary care providers are highly experienced board-certified physicians who understand every aspect of whole-patient care. As primary care doctors specializing in internal medicine, family medicine, and pulmonology, Abul Azad, MD, and Najiib Azad, DO, offer not only basic care like physicals and vaccinations but also more advanced care like treatment for back pain, asthma, COPD, and emphysema. To get your primary care needs met under one roof, call or book an appointment online.

Primary Care Q&A

What is primary care?

A primary care doctor is a medical care provider who focuses on overall wellness and preventive care while also managing acute and chronic. At CPI Physicians, the skilled providers specialize in multiple areas and have the expertise to manage your whole-body health. 

As your primary care provider, CPI Physicians knows you and your medical needs well. When health problems happen, the team is able to immediately prescribe solutions based on your health history.

What kind of preventive care do you offer?

CPI Physicians emphasizes preventive care to keep you healthy for a lifetime. The team offers all types of preventive care for patients 12 and older, including flu, pneumonia, and tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccinations. 

Annual physical exams are another important part of preventive care. By seeing your doctor when you’re healthy, they can help you remain so. 

If your CPI Physicians doctor determines that you’re at risk for serious conditions like hypertension or diabetes, they can help you take preventive steps now. Often, this includes recommendations for diet and exercise. 

What kind of disease and illness management do you offer?

CPI Physicians offers treatment and long-term management for nearly all kinds of chronic disease, illness, and pain. Some of the conditions the team can help you manage include:

  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain, including back pain
  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol 
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Chronic illness, disease, or pain is difficult enough without making it harder on yourself. Don’t ignore a serious condition when the CPI Physicians team can help you get healthy and live comfortably. 

What kind of acute care do you offer?

CPI Physicians offers acute care for those situations where you need treatment fast. If you or your child has a common cold, flu, headaches, diarrhea, cough, sore throat, or other sudden or persistent problem, just call the office and a team member can help you. 

The practice also welcomes walk-in patients during regular business hours, so you can get help from the team you already trust when you need it. 

Need a new primary care doctor? You can trust the multispecialty team at CPI Physicians for the best personalized primary care in the Capital Region. Call the office now or use the online scheduler anytime.