Diabetes Specialist

CPI Physicians

More than 10% of the United States population today has diabetes. Uncontrolled, diabetes can severely affect your health, and it’s potentially fatal. With a careful approach to the disease, however, you can still enjoy good health and happiness. CPI Physicians in Albany, New York, provides the best in personalized diabetes care for all patients ages 12 and up. Caring board-certified physicians Abul Azad, MD, and Najiib Azad, DO, can diagnose diabetes and offer everything you need to manage your disease successfully. Book your appointment online or call the office to learn more.


Diabetes Q&A

What is diabetes?

Diabetes, one of the most widespread chronic illnesses in America today, is a disease in which your body doesn’t regulate glucose (blood sugar) correctly. When you’re healthy, your pancreas releases insulin, which shuttles glucose to your cells and allows you to use it as fuel. 

If you have diabetes, your glucose never gets absorbed because you don’t make insulin or your insulin doesn’t work properly. 

Ultimately, this causes uncontrolled high blood sugar, which can eventually lead to heart problems, stroke, nerve damage, vascular problems, eye damage, and other serious health and life-threatening issues. 

What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

The two main forms of diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2. 

Type 1

Type 1 diabetes is an unpreventable disease in which your body doesn’t produce insulin. If you have this type of diabetes, you likely were diagnosed in childhood. Some Type 1 diabetics get diagnosed later. 

Type 2 

Type 2 diabetes is a preventable disease in which you produce insulin, but your body doesn’t use it properly. Most Type 2 diabetics are adults, but some are children. 

If you’re at risk for Type 2 diabetes due to obesity, sedentary lifestyle, race, or age, your CPI Physicians doctor can guide you through lifestyle changes to help you avoid the disease. 

Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you need regular medical management to stay healthy. CPI Physicians has extensive experience in treating diabetes patients, and the team is ready to help with everything from diagnosis to advanced interventions.

How does diabetes treatment work?

Diabetes treatment can vary depending on the type of diabetes, how the disease affects your body, how long you’ve had it, and other health factors. In general, the main focus of diabetes treatment is restoring your insulin. This can happen in a couple of ways, including medication and diet. 

With Type 1 diabetes, you must take insulin by injection or pump to stay healthy. You can’t control Type 1 diabetes with diet changes alone, which is often possible with Type 2 diabetes.

If you have Type 2 diabetes, you generally don’t need insulin in the early stages of the disease. But you may need to take medication if lifestyle changes aren’t enough. 

Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics need to monitor their blood sugar at home on a regular basis and reach out to CPI Physicians when there are any significant changes. 

CPI Physicians is ready to help you live well with diabetes, so don’t hesitate to get the care you need. Book an appointment online or call the office today.